How tall can my booth be?

This depends on your booth location and type.

Exhibitors: Find detailed information in Display Guidelines Document inside the Exhibitor Services Manual.

Linear Booths

... also called “in-line” booths, are generally arranged in a straight line and have neighboring exhibitors on their immediate right and left, leaving only one side exposed to the aisle. Linear Booths can be no taller than 8 feet. “A maximum back wall height limitation of 8ft (2.44m) is generally specified to prevent display materials from imposing on neighboring exhibits behind the back wall“. Please see picture below for a linear booth. 

Peninsula Booth

... shares a common back wall with another Peninsula Booth. Peninsula booths have a typical height range allowance of 16ft to 20 ft. “The entire Cubic Content of this booth may be used, up to the maximum allowable height, without any back wall Line-of-Sight restrictions. A typical maximum height range allowance is 16ft to 20ft (4.88m to 6.10m), including signage. The entire Cubic Content of the space may be used up to the maximum allowable height. Double-sided signs, logos and graphics shall be set back 10ft (3.05m) from adjacent booths.”  Please see picture below for a peninsula booth. 

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Island Booth

... is any size booth exposed to aisles on all four sides. An Island Booth is typically 20ft by 20ft (6.10m by 6.10m) or larger, although it may be configured differently. The entire Cubic Content of the space may be used up to the maximum allowable height, which is usually a range of 16ft to 20ft (4.88m to 6.10m), including signage. Please see picture below for an island booth. 

Shape, square

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